Blame it on Vista to destroy the hard drive of a two month year old laptop. My baby (laptop) was fine until one day the whole thing crashes. The only conclusion I could find was that Vista’s weaknesses caused my lap top to self-destruct. Vista came out in 2007 which is after the book "Naked Conversations” was published by Scobel and Israel. The authors comment that consumers’s view of Microsoft has changed and improved. I have a hard time believing this.
The majority of people I speak to have expressed great annoyance with Microsoft. The company seems to find difficulty in creating a product that works.
The majority of consumers prefer Windows XP than the new Vista for obvious reasons. I bet the author is wishing he could kick himself in the head
When Microsoft came out with XP(many years ago) they had a couple of glitches and issues. It took them a couple years to create all the patches to fix then problems. The problem is, Microsoft is competing so they have to put out their product before it is fully developed. I believe consumers should wait a couple years and then buy Vista. Or . . . buy a Mac.
How many people have had these bad experiences
with Microsoft or any experiences? Have I gone mad in my belief that they have
lost sight of the consumer’s wants and needs?