All I see with this invention is kids screaming, "Save me!! He's got a lego gun!" Then comes the little kid gangs and shoot outs. We'll have countless child injuries due to the invention of the lego guns.
Learning new technologies and commenting on what's new, hot and absurd in technology.
A friend of mine thought it was important for me to share this nugget of news. How many times have you been out clubbing, at a concert or music festival and your mobile phone starts to die? There is no socket in sight and without a powered cell, how are you going to be able to phone home! You will be stuck in the land of music . . . FOREVER!!! (Just kidding. I was trying to make a joke). Anyway, the phone operator Orange and the firm GotWind have created a portable kinetic energy charger that recharges your phone when you dance called "Orange Dance Charge."
The prototype will be given a test run at this year's Glastonbury festival happening this weekend (RIGHT NOW! I can't believe I'm in the states blogging and not there. I think I REALLY need a time machine)."Attached to the user's arm, they employ a system of weights and magnets which
provide an electric current to top up charge in a storage battery. This can then later be used to recharge the phone."
I think the right question is who needs a therapist or a friend when you could have a Sweety! This does sound strange and you must be wondering what the hell I'm talking about.
It's a gadget created to relieve stress. Yanko Design says, "Sweety is a virtual character who helps people understand where their stress is coming from and what they can do to conquer it in a friendly and cuddly way." The thing listens to your problems and frustrations, then determines the root of your problem with graphic patterns of color. If you are really stressed then it will "invite" you to play a game by "manipulating it's soft body." (honestly, that is what the site says. It sounds a little creepy but it gets better.) If that doesn't calm you down, then you can beat the thing to pulp (not literally). The designer believes "that’s WAY more than a human friend would let you do." (REALLY? All of my friends let me squeeze and beat them up when I'm stressed.)
The reason for this strange posting on some stress reliever is due to my stress of not finding a job yet AND having suicidal mice. That is correct. I am continuing to find dead and rotting mice outside my door. The mice try to get in and then die trying. Haven't they heard of failure or living for another day!
I think it's a conspiracy and all the mice are trying to play games with my mind. Maybe they die but come back from the dead to drive me crazy. They must be zombie mice or witchy mice. Has anyone had this problem?
Anyone know how to get rid of witchy zombie mice? They are taking over the entrance to my kingdom. I guess I need a Sweety to combat the mice OR calm my rage that I will take upon the mice.
Picture from Yanko Design
My love for my GARMIN GPS has always been strong and faithful. I have only been angry at it once (this may be an exaggeration). The time it brought me to an empty lot where a Sonic Drive-In was supposed to be located. If you knew how much I love Sonic, then you would understand the pain it caused me. Yet, I couldn't put all the blame on the Garmin. It was partially my fault for not recently up-dating the software. I have always thought my Garmin trumped all other GPS devices. For example, a Tom Tom is complete crap compared to Garmin and Google has not created a GPS . . . yet.
Here is where the truth comes out. I think I want to cheat on my Garmin. I KNOW! How could I?!?! What am I thinking?!?!? Let me explain, I am a Geek.
Mio will be releasing a $270 Knight Rider GPS unit that greets and speaks to you in the voice of KITT. It personally greets you by name. Just choose your name from a list of 200 names programmed in the device. After that, plug in your device and drive.
What they need to do next is build the Knight Rider GPS into the new voice activated cars and then we'll be talking (that's funny! It's a pun and I didn't even mean it that way!).
Nokia is heading toward the world of social networks. Nokia plans to integrate a Berlin, Germany based social networking start-up Plazes with their mobile phones. This will allow mobile users to
"plan activities with your friends, make people aware of where you are now,
where you were and where you will be in the future. On top of that they also
plan to incorporate the more common aspects of social networking including being
able to share your experiences and communicate with friends."
It's 6am and my girlfriends and I are awake playing Rock Band during our vacation time. Some may think we are crazy or have a tiny obsession with Rock Band. As I have found, many people have now found a great love for Guitar Hero and Rock Band. My girlfriends and I are NOT alone!
JUNE 29th is the day that GUITAR HERO comes to Nintendo DS
I found the info at Engagdet: "For $179.99, you'll get a limited-edition silver and black Nintendo DS, the Guitar Hero: On Tour game, and the Guitar Grip." I don't about my fellow gamers out there but this is a good deal and having Guitar Hero to-go. Could make family trip a little bit easier this year. If you still get dragged along to those . . .