Friday, July 25, 2008

Want a Hoverboard?

Who can't forget the wonder of "Back to the Future II and III!" (I know the original "Back to the Future" was the best. As most original movies are.)

Well, the hoverboard used in the movie by Michael J. Fox (aka Marty McFly), is up for grabs on eBay! If you want your hands on this genuine wooden Mattel hoverboard, then you need to be willing to shell out about 30k. (Couldn't you make a replica of this thing for less? I think the Fox is being sly and trying to get some idiot to buy a worthless piece of wood that starred in a movie.)
They describe the prop as ". . . best example of all wood hoverboards to have survived the rigors of filming. It is in used but outstanding condition, and is very rare in that it is entirely complete and intact. Given the wood build and use of metal components, it looks and feels like a 'real' prop." I can't believe that it's real! They should have sold this product WITH McFly's Nike Shoes that were sold last week for about 3k.
I think the truth is I would pay $30,000 for the hoverboard, BUT ONLY if it actually could hover. Why get some lame board when you could get the real thing in a couple years! (I hope. Unless someone knows otherwise.)
[Picture taken from Engadget]

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